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    Window Repair Austin

    Looking for affordable home window repair in Austin?


    We can assess your situation and give you the best-case, most cost-effective option!


    That's a fancy way of saying... Austin Sliding Door and Window Repair is your go-to window repair company for repair of all types of windows.


    And we're close!  As in, window repair near me close.   (512) 621-5542


    We specialize in the repair of


    • Sliding Windows
    • Single Hung Windows
    • Double Hung Windows
    • Casement Windows
    • Awning Windows
    • Hopper Windows
    • Fixed windows


    We have solutions that you won’t find anywhere else.

    Does my window need repair?

    broken window glass repair toon woman upset austin sliding door window repairThe most common scenario where windows need to be repaired is broken glass.

    Whether it’s your neighborhood kid missing his target with a ball or a landscaper sending a rock through the window with a weed whacker on accident, don't worry, you're not alone! 

    This is a very common call we receive.

    (and yes, we can help!)

    Why Do Windows Get Foggy? (fogged windows)

    Fogged glass replacement in Austin is something we encounter on a daily basis.





    What causes fogged windows?


    Extreme temperatures in Texas cause dual-pane window glass seal failure, which allows moisture from humidity inside the window, giving it a fogged appearance.


    The moisture inside the glass calcifies over time and turns white, making the glass an unsightly eye sore in the home.


    If you're asking yourself, "is this going to happen again?" ...  GREAT NEWS!  The answer is no (not with us, anyway!)



    Better Glass.  Fewer Repairs.


    Our aftermarket glass fabricators use much better materials than most OEM window suppliers.


    A lot of window companies make their windows affordable by making glass as cheap as they can, by using thin glass and a non-hermetic sealing method, such as silicone and a steel spacer (which actually turns to rust once there is moisture inside the window.)


    These materials are much cheaper than using butyl, aluminum box spacer or super spacer, and desacent.


    Our glass fabricators use the hermetic method of hot butyl plus the other materials described above for a much more durable window that even retains the ability to contract and expand under extreme temperature variance without seal failure.


    We warranty our glass and labor and provide you with better glass than what originally came with the window.


    Some higher end manufacturers use the same glass as we do and guess what? We rarely get a call to change glass in those brand of windows.

    Lame Latch? Horrible Hinge? Pathetic Pulley?

    You guessed it, broken hardware is the second most common call we receive.


    We can replace


    • Hinges
    • Rollers
    • Operating mechanisms
    • Springs
    • Latches
    • Levers
    • Sash cams
    • Pulley
    • Balancers
    • Locking mechanisms


    ...in almost any window!

    Window Repair vs Replacement?

    broken window glass repair toon woman happy austin sliding door window repairCall us before you decide to replace a window if you'd rather keep it.


    Repair versus replacement can save you a lot of money.


    Window repair can be a time consuming tedious task but it’s what we specialize in, so we can efficiently and effectively help to get you back to running smoothly again.

    Is there anything we don't repair?

    While we repair the majority of things, there are a few situations where replacement is recommended:


    • Pre 1950’s wood windows that are putty glazed
    • Pulley systems in pre 1950’s wood windows
    • Coil Balancers in vinyl and aluminum windows
    • Bent or warped window frames that are beyond repair and cannot be fixed
    • Wood rot
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